ORIENT III 2011: Historical Changes in the Near and Middle East


Focus: Historical Changes in the Near and Middle East

SKU: Orient-III-2011 Category:


Dr. Mohammed A. Bamyeh
Arab Revolutions and the Making of a New Patriotism

Professor Dr. Dr. Peter Scholz
Legal Aspects of the Political Change in the Middle East

Dr. Isabel Schäfer
Europe’s Mediterranean Policy and the Arab Spring

Dr. Musa Shteiwi
Arab Women and the Arab Spring: The Revolution within

Dr. Ayşe Zarakol
Turkey and the Arab World: A Reconvergence of Destinies

Dr. Özlem Tür
Deepening Syrian-Turkish-Relations in the 2000s: Common Security Concerns, Economic Integration and Limitations

Dr. Carsten Wieland
Syrian Scenarios and the Levant’s Insecure Future

Konstantin Kosten
“Tunes tunest, Iran nemitunest” Reconciliation as a Tool for Peaceful Change in Iran?

Niklas Hünseler
Islamist and Democrat? Rachid al-Ghannouchi’s Concept of an ‘Islamic Democracy’ and his Perspectives in post-Ben Ali Tunisia


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