German-Turkish cultural and educational relations after the German elections: A new golden era?


Article by Elena Dück about German-Turkish cultural and educational relations after the German elections featured in the ORIENT II 2022.

SKU: DÜCK-2/2022 Category:


The last coalition government of the social Democratic Party and the Green Party was a “golden era” of German-Turkish relations. At the same time, external cultural and educational policies (ECEP) were redefined and their importance highlighted. This article addresses the question what the chances are for a revitalisation of ECEP in Turkey under the coalition government. To do so, it summarises the new government’s position on the role of ECEP in GermanTurkish relations and their potential in times of crisis.

Elena Dück is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for social science at the Christian Albrecht University of Kiel. Her research interests include German-Turkish relations, populism and theories of International Relations.


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