Orient IV 2018


Focus: Socio-economic challenges and developments

SKU: Orient-IV-2018 Category:


Karen E. Young
Economic reforms as a means to diversification in the Arab Gulf states

Curran Flynn
Vision 2030: Success thus far Mark Furness Strategic policymaking and Germany’s MENA aid programme

Yasmina El Amine, Chafik Abdallah, Rana El Hajj and Nadim Farajalla
Solid waste management in the MENA region: A comparative analysis of Lebanon, Jordan, and Tunisia

Roel Meijer
Economic deprivation, political corruption and the rise of new citizen movements in the MENA region

Amir Forouharfar
The Middle East politics of entrepreneurship: A brief review on entrepreneurship as a foreign policy tool in Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Mohsen Tavakoli, Catherine Laffineur and Alain Fayolle
Gender equality in entrepreneurship in the Near and Middle East

Hajer El Ouardani and Samir Makdisi
Autocracy, democracy and populism in the Arab region


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