Orient III 2023: The invasion of Iraq: 20 years on


Focus: The invasion of Iraq: 20 years on

SKU: Orient-III-2023 Category:


Ibrahim Al-Marashi
Warfare in Iraq since the 2003 invasion: The diffusion of the projection of political violence

Marina Ottaway
Post-invasion Iraq: An impossible task, poorly executed

Dylan O’Driscoll and Irene Costantini
The 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq and the logic of intervention

Ebrahim Abbassi, Adel Nemati and Mohsen Shokri
The political economy of modernisation in Iraq: Challenges and consequences

Keiko Sakai
The post-2003 ruling political elite circle in Iraq vs. its challengers: Differences in their support bases and electoral strategies

Ruba Ali Al-Hassani
Re-imagining Babylon: Epistemic violence and Iraqi discourse

Shirzad Azad
Dawn of a new beginning: Iraq looks East in the post-Saddam era


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