ORIENT III 2014: Afghanistan


Focus: Afghanistan

SKU: Orient-III-2014 Category:


Meena Singh Roy and Dr. Christian Wagner
Political Transition in Afghanistan: Imperatives for India and Pakistan

Dr. Katja Mielke
What inhibits and enables Afghans’ social mobility? On the limits of community organization and mobilization in Afghanistan

Dr. Stefan Oswald and Dr. Babak Khalatbari
Presidential Elections 2014 – A Game Changer for Afghanistan’s Development Perspectives?

Philipp Münch and Thomas Ruttig
Between Negotiations and Ongoing Resistance: The Situation of the Afghan Insurgency

Adrienne Woltersdorf
Die afghanische Zivilgesellschaft und die Gewerkschaften

Dr. Farhan Mujahid Chak
Islam, the West and ‘Man’ in the State of Nature


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