ORIENT II 2012: Afghanistan


Focus: Afghanistan

SKU: Orient-II-2012 Category:


Ahmed Rashid
Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US

Dr. Christian Wagner
Regional Powerplay: Pakistan, India, Afghanistan

Thomas Ruttig
The Road through Qatar: Chances for a political solution with the Taleban

Dr. Conrad Schetter and Janosch Prinz
Counterinsurgency, Anthropology, Retreat – The US Military’s COIN ‘strategy’ in Afghanistan

Dr. Hans Krech
Negotiations with Underground Factions in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2012

Florian Broschk
Dynamics of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Northern Afghanistan

Amin Azimi
Talk and Fight – The Taliban’s Evolving Media Campaign

Michael Semple
The Revival of the Afghan Taliban 2001-2011

Professor Dr. Hermann Kreutzmann and Dr. Stefan Schütte
Human Security, Vulnerability and Development in Afghanistan

Just Boedeker
Nation or Tribe? Some Observances about Baloch Group Affiliations in 2008 and 2010

Dr. Lutz Rzehak
How to name Universities? Or: Is there any linguistic problem in Afghanistan?

Dr. St John Simpson
Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World. Some Recent Contributions by the British Museum to the Appreciation of and Research into Afghan Cultural Heritage

Elke Hoff, MdB
Stabilität durch Emanzipation: Von Nordafrika über den Nahen Osten bis zum Hindukusch – ist Sicherheit auch ohne den Westen möglich?


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