Towards a more active role for Germany in Palestine


Article by Omar Shaban about the role for Germany in Palestine featured in the ORIENT II 2022.

SKU: SHABAN-2/2022 Category:


This article presents mechanisms to enhance the German role in the Palestinian issue and the possibilities of future intervention in both the Palestinian-Palestinian and Palestinian-Israeli tracks. It discusses the manifestations of power in Germany, the nature of its relationship with the Palestinians as well as its history and development in its diplomatic forms, before clarifying its strong and extended relationship with Israel and considering this as an important entry point to establish a more effective German role in the presence of the new traffic-light coalition government. This role could support intervention in four main issues: a) internal Palestinian reconciliation, b) peace process dialogue, c) democracy, governance and institution-building, d) the Gaza strip and humanitarian issues. The article is based on the assumption that Germany is underutilising its rich inventory and has all the resources to play a much more active role in the world’s general stability as well as prosperity in the Middle East. It identifies a surplus of power in Germany which could be directed towards resolving important international issues such as the Palestinian issue, which we, as Palestinians, believe Germany has the potential to do so efficiently.

Omar Shaban is a Palestinian living in Gaza. He is an analyst on political economy of the Middle East, the founder of the Pal Think for strategic studies and was a candidate for the first Palestinian parliamentary elections in 1996. Regularly writing for various international magazines, he has been interviewed by many well-known international newspapers and occasionally participates in conferences on political and economic issues as well as Palestinian affairs, such as the reconstruction of Gaza, the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, the Arab-Israeli conflict and Euro-Med cooperation. He holds a BA in Economy from Egypt (1984), and a Msc. degree in Entrepreneurial studies from stirling University, scotland (1995).


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