The post-2003 ruling political elite circle in Iraq vs. its challengers: Differences in their support bases and electoral strategies


This article is featured in Orient III/2023.

SKU: SAKAI-3/2023-1 Category:


This study aims to explain the intrasectarian rivalries in the post-2003 Iraq in terms of their bases of activity and support. Local community-based al-Sadr Tendency emphasised locality and party affiliation in the election campaign but modifies its general policy to expand its scope of influence to unpenetrated regions. Post-2003 ruling elite circles with little local supportive base implemented the same strategy to all constituency types, placing more importance on distributing resources.

Keiko Sakai is a professor of Iraqi politics at Chiba University and Dean of Center for Relational Studies on Global Crisis. She was co-editor of Iraq Since Invasion (2020).


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